Coldwell Banker Realty
Debbie Goldberg, Coldwell Banker RealtyPhone: (203) 506-5846
Email: [email protected]

How to Sell to a First-Time Homebuyer

by Debbie Goldberg 06/19/2022

First-time homebuyers are an important subset of potential customer every agent and seller should know. As younger generations reach the age and stage of wanting to purchase a home, they’ll be entering the market with specific needs. If you’re selling your home—either through an agent or by owner—here are some of the most important things to do to appeal to this key market:

Be Transparent

Today’s new homebuyers are more educated and well-informed than ever before. There are countless free resources available for learning the ins and outs of buying your first home, which means most homebuyers will come into the market well-prepared. Therefore, it’s crucial to be as transparent and honest as possible in your selling.

Massaging numbers and trying too hard to appeal to emotion might raise red flags for buyers who have learned to be wary of such sales tactics. Be honest and open with first-time buyers and you’ll establish a better working relationship.

Prioritize Maintenance

First-time homebuyers come in all varieties of economic situations. Rather than assume they have less or more money to spend than other demographics, focus on what will appeal to everyone: a well-maintained property. Put in the extra effort and money to make improvements and upgrades that will make the home move-in ready rather than a “money pit.”

Most first-time homebuyers are likely not looking for a fixer-upper property; therefore, the better care and detail you can put into maintenance, the better your chances will be.

Research & Highlight Relevant Amenities

Style trends come and go and so do the specific priorities of first-time homebuyers. It’s important to figure out what new buyers are looking for today. Highlighting desirable amenities and features will help your property look its best to first-time homebuyers with specific priorities in mind. One prominent example of this is energy-efficient appliances.

If the home has a tankless water heater or a smart thermostat system, these are perfect details to highlight in the listing. Focus on what will be most relevant to a first-time homebuyer today rather than rely on what might have been popular in the past.

As with any generalization of a large group of people, not everything will be accurate. However, the better you can understand what a first-time homebuyer actually needs and wants, the better you’ll be able to sell to them.

About the Author

Debbie Goldberg

I'm a full time Realtor with over 30 years of experience yet young enough to embrace today's ever-changing scope of marketing and technology. Having grown up in Connecticut and moved many times (too many to count!) I can empathize with today's buyers and sellers. Strictly maintaining ethical standards and being a fierce advocate on behalf of my clients are things I take very seriously. As a buyer, you can expect me to listen to and evaluate your real estate wants and needs. I can assist in explaining relevant forms, agreements, and closing procedures. I will guide you through the process of finding the right home, negotiating your offer, adhering to all contract dates and terms as well as final walk through and closing procedures. As a seller, I will listen to and evaluate your goals, needs, and timing in order to properly price your home to get the maximum exposure needed to attract the right buyers. In addition to negotiating on your behalf, I will make sure we communicate throughout the entire process as we navigate the contract terms, finance and inspection contingencies, as well as all closing procedures. I was born in Japan, grew up in Hamden and lived in New York, Ohio and Southern California before settling down in New Haven county to raise two kids, two dogs and a cat. I'm passionate about good food and love to bake. Some of my free time has been spent volunteering at Temple Beth Sholom, a synagogue where my family has been members for over 40 years. I also spend time at Tower One/Tower East, an assisted living center in New Haven where my mother-in-law now resides. 30 years of helping buyers and sellers achieve their goals has given me the peace of mind to know that what I do everyday matters. If you are thinking of buying or selling please keep me in mind.